※ May not match the actual terrain,
data cannot be used for purposes other than reference.
검색결과 : 0 건
※ Kakao API
검색결과 : 0건
Lot number
※ Kakao API
Past Video Comparison
Compare past aerial photos or 3D spatial information
Indoor 3D spatial information
3D subway interior spatial information Visualization
Landscape and architectural deliberation support
Providing support for the work through simulation when the landscape and architecture deliberation committee is held
Landscape and architecture time series
Information layer simulated by the Landscape and Architecture Review Committee
Corporate promotion video
Corporate promotion video
3D visualization
Screen View Settings
Map type setting
(관련부서 : 개발계획총괄과)
- 지구단위계획결정 고시문 열람( ifez.go.kr)
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